Room In The Inn - Winter Shelter
During the winter, when colder weather surrounds our area, there are members of our community who lack safe, secure, and most importantly,
warm shelter on the cold winter nights.
This year, First United Methodist Church in Newton will be a haven on the coldest nights of the winter. On nights when the temperature is predicted to fall to 25 degrees or below, the church will open their fellowship hall from 6 PM until 8:15 AM, offering a warm meal and a warm place to sleep.
This ministry, known as Room In The Inn, is coordinated by First United Methodist Church in Newton.
The shelter can accommodate up to 15 guests per night.
How can you help?
This ministry is only possible with the caring hearts of those who wish to volunteer their time to make sure each shift of the inn is covered.
Hens (5:45pm-10:00pm) -- 2 to 3 persons are needed to help open the shelter, welcome guests, and serve dinner.
Owls (10pm-6:00am) -- 2 persons are needed to spend the night with the guests.
Roosters (6:00am-8:15am) -- 2 persons are needed to help serve breakfast, clean up, and close shelter.
Volunteers are also needed to provide meals that are served for breakfast and dinner!!!
To help staff the shelter, please complete the form below, and one of the RITI coordinators will be in contact with you.
*Given that the shelter is co-ed both male and female volunteers are needed for each of the three shifts.